Agricultural Rebates and Incentives
Rebate funds are available to eligible members making an electric heating installation as a primary source of heating in a new or improved existing structure providing said installation meets with the established criteria.
Agricultural and Commercial Heating Incentives
- Heat pumps $50/ton
- Resistance heat $10/kw
Third-Party Irrigation Management Systems Rebate Requirements
The Cooperative will pay a one-time rebate of $750 per device for a third-party remote managed irrigation system provided that it meets the following minimum requirements:
- New system eliminates the need for an East River load control receiver (irrigation controller).
- Ability to ingest automated notice from East River of shed and restore via email, text, or voice.
- Provide less than 15-minute latency from East River email to load shed/restore.
- Provide distribution cooperative notice of customer bypass.
- If a consumer who received a rebate discontinues third-party control within five
years and requests an East River control be reinstalled, the consumer is required to
pay for a new East River receiver up to $500 plus installation costs.
Third-Party Grain Dryer Management Systems Rebate Requirements
The Cooperative will pay a one-time rebate of $750 per device for a third-party remote managed Grain Dryer Management system provided that it meets the following minimum requirements:
- New system eliminates the need for an East River load control receiver.
- Ability to ingest automated notice from East River of shed and restore via email, text, or voice.
- Provide less than 15-minute latency from East River email to load shed/restore.
- Provide distribution cooperative notice of customer bypass.
- If a consumer who received a rebate discontinues third-party control within five years and requests an East River control be reinstalled, the consumer is required to pay for a new East River receiver up to $500 plus installation costs.
This policy reflects the rebate amounts established by the current budgets and policies of East River Electric Power Cooperative and Bon Homme Yankton Electric Association, Inc. The specific rebate amounts listed in this policy are subject to change without notice.
Contact Bon Homme Yankton Electric for the rebate forms or for additional information.